
Directique counts on two centers of expertise

Quality of ServiceQuality of client experience

Within the two cases, Directique meets up with «production factories» from the client vision, in order to identify the technical and functional improvement points. This is done to permit the identifiable technical points for improvement to meet the client’s satisfaction.

Schéma des expertises Directique

The quality of service

Directique intervenes to reduce this gap and improve business performance.

Directique analyzes the quality of service from the customer’s perspective and confront it with the technical vision of the production plant.
The quality of service as experienced by the customer may indeed differ significantly from the quality of service measured from a purely technical point of view.
This difference leads to inconsistencies trends between technical quality indicators and measures of satisfaction. These inconsistencies leading to a difficult or impossible dialogue between the concerned teams and harmful to the whole quality loop.

Be in line with the circle itself, improving of the quality processes

It is probably in the telecommunications sector that this problem was pushed the furthest, notably under the impulse of the in client vision measures valued very early on by the Regulation Authority, and implemented according to methodologies developed by Directique :

  • Directique covers every aspect of Telecoms quality processes for operators, OEMs and integrators, regulators and even users of telecommunications services.
  • Directique has developed a unique expertise in voice and date studies and measure, validating of the fundamental elements (e.g. network equipments, service terminals), the deployments validation and network evolution and follow-up and the daily optimization quality.
  • This expertise has equally allowed the development of an offer bound for the telecom users, to help them manage their telecommunications subjects (choice of contractor offering the best quality service, site audit, incidents quantification objectives, numerical pollution, etc.).
  • The ground work combines automation and human measures (former: “Golden ears” specially conceived by Directique) to attain a double objective, of optimizing costs and total customer vision accordance. This combination allows an equally escalation of information and quality: the analysis of Directique specialists furnishing their clients plans of action via precise recognizable defects.

The full spectrum of this approach, which reaches across all service sectors, allows Directique’s clients to set in motion a constructive dialog between the technical teams and marketing teams regarding the continued improvement of quality processes.

The Client Experience

The client experience groups together all the relations between the business and the client that go beyond the simple usage of the product or services bought: the purchase act itself is proof, but also the interactions as a whole between the client and the business throughout their journey (put in service, invoicing, subscription option, guarantee, exchanges, repair, etc.).

Learn to improve and know the quality of the experience
to create client loyalty

Two categories of cause and effect that lead to a « non quality » client experience

  • Differences between the journey “lived” and the journey “specified”
  • Maladjustment of the journey “specified” to the client‘s expectations

Directique identifies the differences and classifies them:

  • By an analysis specific to the specification of the customers journey and a comparison of the competitors practices
  • Par la mise en situation client des équipes ayant mené l’analyse initiale, qui vont mener autant d’actes d’achat et du parcours client que nécessaire pour disposer d’une vision client représentative des non qualités

The analyses underline the aspects relating to what the client has felt:

  1. Irritating (for example: delay of the corresponding installation to the promise but judged too long, incoherence of web/shops, …)
  2. Complex journeys or not very clear (for example: Journeys too long for the web to obtain a contact information)

They are taken, whenever possible, in comparison to better practices:

  1. Competitors benchmarks
  2. Returning experiences from other sectors
All the experiences lived allow for an increase in the criticism of the whole client’s journey information that are particularly useful in deciding actions:
  • corrective actions between the client service, the direction in charge of the interfaces with the client (e.g. network of physical distribution, website, telephone platforms, etc.) and the technical constraints
  • permettant d’améliorer le ressenti client en lui simplifiant la vie (acte d’achat, utilisation, …) et en lui fournissant le service/produit qu’il attend réellement
This experience, that each of your clients obtains from your business, constitutes multitude points of contact. It plays a key role in your business image, and it can present differentiated promises additionally having a strong impact in their satisfaction.

Two methods of field work

Quantitative tests

The quantitative test is pertinent in the case of a need to follow indicators in real time (i.e. : Front office client quality of service) and a strong reproducibility of the acts.
It can decline in repeated acts of grand volume (purchases, access to services, …) more or less automated, or on the information taken. The visits and mystery calls (market research) allow to publish indicators and rates of “non-quality”. We are here relying on of the information “taken” , speech tests and the mechanics of the questions / precise responses together with the analysis phase of your customer’s journey specifications and function of your studied objectives.

Qualitative tests

The quality test analyzes in detail what the client goes through from one end to the other. Directique personalizes the client’s approach according to every problematic issue, notably covering the Subscription to a service, the Usage, the parameter setting of the given service (the “self-care” generally speaking), post sale service, the verification of the invoices, …
These tests can be organized with you, and carried through:
  • Prior to launch, as it is the best solution when leaning on some distribution “pilot” sample, a solution–allowing “zero defect” launches
  • During the launch, be it to take corrective measures decided at issuing of the pre-launch tests, or be it to take the first complete audit and correct the fastest possible the non qualities found
  • During the life cycle offer or service, in order to assure an uniform piloting of the quality, or for example to take punctual verifications after consumers complaints